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  • February 11, 2021 10:21 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    SICP Lecture Series - Friday March 5 7-9 Eastern Time

    Click here for more information and registration

    This presentation will consider the crucial role of imagination in psychoanalytic work, and its relation to therapeutic creativity. We will explore some differences between imagination and fantasy, and examine the ways in which learning to gain increasingly free access to one’s own imaginary realms in the presence of our patients facilitates points of access to our patients’ and our own internal worlds. We will see how expanding our imagination’s reach deepens psychoanalytic work, and allows freer uses of enactment and enhanced access to other transference/countertransference encounters that lead to change, growth and access to unconscious experience for patient and therapist alike. The structure of the evening will include a brief talk, followed by discussion and the application of these ideas to challenging therapeutic moments.

    About the Presenter: 

    Anthony Bass, PhD is an associate professor and consulting supervising analyst at the NYU Postdoctoral Program, and on the faculty, and training and supervising analyst at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. He is a member of the faculty at the Manhattan Institute, ICP, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies National Training Program, the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia and the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, where he is a founder and president. He is editor emeritus of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and a founding director of IARPP. He is on the board of the Sandor Ferenczi Center of New York City, and has been a visiting professor at the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. He leads clinical study groups and leads workshops throughout the US and Europe.

  • February 08, 2021 12:48 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Reading Philip Brombert

    A 6 session reading group on the work of Philip Bromberg

    Colleagues of Philip Bromberg have joined together to offer a program to discuss and celebrate Bromberg’s work.  There will be a series of six, monthly, online group discussion meetings, each focused on a single article of Bromberg’s, followed in July by a larger memorial to Bromberg’s life and work (the details of the larger memorial will be announced shortly).  All these meetings are accessible to members of all the professional communities across the analytic and trauma worlds who have followed Bromberg’s work over the decades.  

    Each of the monthly online reading group meetings will be a discussion of a paper selected by the group leader(s), who are all people who Bromberg deeply influenced.  These meetings began in February and will continue monthly through July. 

    Attendance is free.  To facilitate discussion, attendance at each group meeting will be limited to 25 people. Due to high demand, please only sign up for one meeting, as available. Each meeting will be announced about one month before it is to take place.

    PROCESS: We are doing registration for one session at a time. Sessions further along in the schedule will be open for registration about one month prior to being held. The registration link is appended just below the description of the seminar (see: REGISTRATION) and is for that seminar only.

    SCHEDULE: Sundays from 1-2:30 p.m. (New York City time) (to accommodate an international audience)

    March 7, 2021.  Leader: Hazel Ipp.  

    Bromberg, P.M. (2000) Potholes on the Royal Road: Or is it an Abyss. Contemporary Psychoanalysis.  36 (1): 5-28

    REGISTRATION: March only, click on this link to generate an email to Dr. Chefetz to reserve a spot. 

    If the above link does not work, please write and put “Register for Bromberg-Ipp March Seminar,” in the subject line. Thank you.


    April 18, 2021.  Leaders: Tony Bass and Cleonie White.

    Bromberg, P.M. (1991) On Knowing One’s Patient Inside Out: The Aesthetics of Unconscious Communication. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1 (4) 399-422. 

    May 16, 2021.  Leaders: Rich Chefetz and Emily Kuriloff.  

    Bromberg, P.M. (2003). One need not be a house to be haunted: On enactment, dissociation, and the dread of “not-me”—A case study. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 13(5): 689-709

    June 13, 2021.  Leader: Donnel Stern

    Bromberg, P.M. (2008) Shrinking the Tsunami: Affect Regulation, Dissociation and the Shadow of the Flood. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 44 (3): 329-350

    July 11, 2021.  Leader: Velleda Ceccoli.  

    Bromberg, P.M. (2014.) Sullivan as Pragmatic Visionary: Operationalist and OperRelationalist, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 50:4, 509-530.

    Articles from Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Contemporary Psychoanalysis are used in this program by permission of Taylor & Francis Ltd,, and William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society,, respectively.

  • February 07, 2021 2:38 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Kay Schanzer, PhD, LPC , CCP will be leading our conversation this month. The article will be Lombardi, R. (2020). Corona Virus, Social distancing, and the body in psychoanalyst. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association 68(3), pp 455-462.  Emails with the zoom link and link to more information on this website will be going out to all members. 

  • January 12, 2021 7:46 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Austin Psychoanalytic Society is offering a rich series of offerings, including extended Salon conversations leg by JoAnn Ponder, PhD and an online conference with Otto Kernberg, MD. Click here to see all of the offerings in Jan, Feb, and March. 

  • January 09, 2021 10:32 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    AGPA Connect, is the six day conference of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. AGPA Connect will be virtual this year. The theme is "The Power of Groups in A Challenging World” and how fitting this theme at this time in our lives.There are three different categories of events: Specials Institutes (February 19th), the Institutes (February 13 & 14th), and the Three Day Conference (February 25-27th).

    Dr. Aaron Black is one of the Special Institute speakers and the other is Dr. Zindel Segal. Aaron’s  area of expertise is attachment theory and its application in individual and group psychotherapy. He is an excellent thinker and clinician. Zindel comes out of Canada and is one of the primary international developers of mindfulness and psychotherapy. He combines a very practical cognitive therapy approach with the practice of mindfulness for anxiety and depression. The approach is very well researched and has outstanding outcome results. 

    The Institutes are usually a mix of process group experiences and also specific institutes that are theme based. All of the presenters are considered to be the top group leaders in the organization. The two day experience is intense and always a deep learning experience. This experience is also a great way to get to know people in AGPA and friendships have come out of these groups that last a lifetime.

    Finally there is the Three-Day Conference with a wide array of workshops, courses, and open sessions. Our own San Antonio colleagues: Susan Mengden, Sharon Bolin, Ashley Powell and Tom Stone will be presenting two different events. The conference events cover just about every topic imaginable. 

    There are some outstanding plenary speakers. Alexis Abernethy will open the institute to help people feel at home with the virtual format. Elizabeth Ford will discuss her work with incarcerated populations. Bruce Perry, a colleague from Texas, will speak about his work with traumatized children. Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis will help us more deeply understand the effects of racial trauma.

    Click here to register. The cost is reasonable and you can pick and choose across the three different categories of events. 

  • November 14, 2020 9:00 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    This event is co-sponsored by Austin Psychoanalytic and Center for Psychoanalytic Studies.

    November 14, 2020

    Register Here

    9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

    5.0 CE/CME

    Members: $120

    Non-Members: $145

    ECP/Students/Retired: $60

    Parasitic Whiteness targets non-white people for domination. It proceeds under the auspices of entitled dominion. It works by creating a fictive community, each of whom feels protected from their individual frailties by participating in this group imagined to be strong. The premise boomerangs. Domination enfeebles the dominator while subjugating the target. All lose. We will make this via personal, clinical and theoretical considerations. We will then take up similar issues while consulting with a local analytic clinician regarding a current case in which race and racism play noticeable parts.

    The presentation will be divided into two parts: in the morning we will present Moss’ work on parasitic Whiteness– theoretical and clinical. In the afternoon, we will have a clinical discussion of current process material presented by Asli Baykal, PhD, LCSW, a local analytic clinician.


    Donald Moss, M.D.— Program Chair of APsaA, Author of 5 books and 60+ articles, with a primary focus on problems of masculinity and structured forms of hatred– racism, homophobia, misogyny. Founding member of Green Gang, a group of analysts and scientists focusing on climate change denial.

    Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D.: Dr Lynne Zeavin is a training and supervising analyst at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute where she co-chairs the Diversity Committee and teaches the work of Melanie Klein. An associate editor at JAPA and on the editorial boards of The Psychoanalytic Quarterly and Division/Review, Dr Zeavin writes about gender, sexuality, misogyny and Race, as well as various aspects of Kleinian theory and technique. Along with several colleagues she is a co-founder of the Rita Frankiel Memorial Fellowship sponsored by the Melanie Klein Trust which has offered a subspecialty training in Kleinian analysis for advanced candidates over the last decade. Dr. Zeavin is a member of the program committee of Apsa and a founder of Green Gang, a 4 person psychoanalytic collective engaged in the study of our human relationship with the natural world.

    Asli Baykal (PhD, LCSW) is a psychotherapist in private practice in Austin, TX. She obtained her MA in Gender Studies at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and her PhD in anthropology at Boston University, after which she served as professor of cultural anthropology at University of Richmond. She then went back to school for clinical training, obtained an MSW from Boston University and worked as a therapist at a number of non-profits, most recently UT Austin Counseling Center. Asli was a fellow at the American Psychoanalytic Association in 2015-2016. She is currently a fourth-year candidate at Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston, TX.

    Learning Objectives: 

    After attending the program in it’s entirety, attendees will be able to:

    1. Identify indirect expressions of white racis
    2. Map object relations along vertical lines
    3. Explain clinical states of entitlement
    4. Describe collegial manifestations of racism


    Samuels, A. Krause, I. (2012) Msebele, Naison & Brown, Hilary. Racism in the consulting room: myth or reality’. Psychoanalytic Review, 2011, 98, 4. J. Anal. Psychol., 57 (4): 554-556.

    Reyes, A. (2012) Internal Racism: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Race and Difference by M. Fakhry Davids. Published by Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2011; 253 pp. Brit. J. Psychother., 28 (4) : 539-542.

  • October 09, 2020 9:00 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    San Antonio Group Psychotherapy Society has announced their annual Fall Workshop entitled Cultivating the Secure Internal Base in Group Psychotherapy.

    Please join us on Friday, Oct 9, for an online zoom workshop with Aaron Black, PhD, CGP. In these uncertain and socially distanced times, helping our clients to develop and sustain meaningful emotional connection is vital. Dr Black's relatable expertise will make this an enjoyable and meaningful day.  

    Click here for details and registration

    A brief optional happy hour will be held the evening before the event to help familiarize you with the online format.

    Hope you to see you there!

    Sharon Bolin, LCSW

    SAGPS President

  • October 02, 2020 4:08 PM | Paul Ingmundson (Administrator)

    Richard Arthur Wyrick, 76, died peacefully the evening of his birthday, May 21, 2020, at his home in San Antonio, Texas. Present at his death was his ex-wife, Beverly Davis.

    Richard was born on May 21, 1944, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was the second child of Mary Thomasine (Keene) Wyrick and Arthur Moore Wyrick. His parents’ hometown was Sherman, Texas, but the family moved numerous times across the United States, as Richard’s father managed numerous retail stores in New Mexico, Ohio, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, before returning home to Sherman to retire.

    Richard graduated from high school in Portland, Oregon. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the honors college of the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon and a master’s degree and doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the University of Arizona in Tucson in 1972.

    After working as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Richard took a position as a staff psychologist at the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital in San Antonio, Texas.  He made San Antonio his home and retired in 2017 after 39 years of service to veterans at the VA hospital.

    Richard was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Patricia Pappenhagen.  He is survived by a son, David Wyrick, and daughter, Charlotte Wyrick, as well as his nephew, Ronald Pappenhagen, and nieces, Laura Pappenhagen Lazzerini, and Karen Beth Pappenhagen.

    Richard was a skilled clinician and teacher, widely respected by staff, colleagues and patients for his insights and dedication to his work and the profession of clinical psychology. He was one of the original members of the San Antonio Society for Psychoanalytic Studies and a longtime regular participant in the monthly reading group. He contributed to the reading group’s discussions with wit, warmth, originality and compassion.  He is remembered fondly, with great affection and respect, by many former patients, colleagues and friends.  


  • September 21, 2020 8:00 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Austin Psychoanalytic announces a Salon facilitated by Tyson Davis, PsyD

    Mondays - September 21-Oct 12 7:30-9:00pm via video conference. 

    6 CEU Credits

    Click here for more information

  • September 02, 2020 6:57 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Austin Psychoanalytic announces a Salon facilitated by Joann Ponder, Phd via video conference.

    Mondays - Oct 5-Nov 9 7:30-9:00pm via video conference. 

    9 CEU credits, Diversity Focus

    Click here for more information
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