Spring Lecture:
From Self to Selfies: Reflections on the Impact of Technological Change on the Psychology of the Self.
Since the invention of the telegraph, the construction of the self has been determined in significant ways by technological advances that now occur more rapidly than ever before. As mental health professionals, we are affected both personally and professionally by the pervasiveness of technology in our lives and the lives of our clients. This workshop will be an opportunity for us to take time out from being deeply immersed in our technologically driven life and reflect on contemporary views of the psychology of the self. Psychoanalysis provides us, regardless of our clinical orientation, with the tools to make sense out of this evolving sense of self. Through lectures, videos, small and large group discussion, we will provide a structure out of which all of us will be able to reflect upon and discuss this timely topic.
Presenters: Cynthia Diaz de Leon, PhD; Joshua Essery, PsyD, ABPP; Paul Ingmundson, PhD; Thomas Stone, PhD.
Date: May 19, 2017
Workshop Length: 6 hours (lunch, CEU's included)
Spring/Summer Film Series: SASPS will present The Danish Girl with a panel to discuss psychoanalysis and treating Transgender clients. More info to come!
Fall Lecture Series: Frank Paredes Memorial Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Culture features Ricardo Ainslie, PhD, presenting and discussing his documentary The Mark of War. Tentative date is September 15, 2017.
The Mark of War is an intimate portrait of seven men who served in the Vietnam War drawn by a psychoanalyst-filmmaker keen on entering their worlds. In this film, Dr. Ainslie explores their lives before going off to war, their experiences fighting in Vietnam, and their lives since their return.
To preview the trailer for his documentary, click HERE
Stay tuned for details for these events!