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Election of Officers for 2015-16

July 29, 2015 7:34 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

SASPS Officers for 2015-16 were elected at the annual meeting on June 7. Beginning in August, the following new officers will begin their terms. 

President Elect - Tom Stone, PhD

Treasurer - Paul Ingmundson, PhD

Members at Large:

Ashley Powell, PhD, Bob Kalter, M.D., Jonathan Paul deVierville, MS, Kay Schanzer, PsyD, Clark Terrell, MD

Other officers continuing or transitioning are at follows:

President (Transitioning from President-Elect), Jacob Pickard, PhD

Past-President (Transitioning from President), Josh Essery, PsyD

Secretary (Continuing 2 year term), Russel (Trey) Thompson, PhD

Division 39 Representative - Wayne Ehrisman, PhD

Sara Gill was appointed as the Student Representative

The members voted to make the following change to the bylaws:

Change Section B.6 from "Two Members-at-Large shall be elected for one-year terms" to "At Least two Members at Large shall be elected for two year terms.

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