Same Time Next Week: The Power of Couples Group Therapy
Friday, October 27, 2023
- 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- 6 CE Hours
- Lunch will be provided
Presentation by: Ginger M. Sullivan, MA, LPC, CGP, AGPA-F
Location: Alamo Heights United Methodist Church
825 E Basse Rd, San Antonio, TX 78209
Are you looking to add an exciting and potent treatment modality to your clinical practice?
Join us for an exciting day of exploring all things couples group therapy – the what, the why, and the how.
In the morning, we will explore the odd-yet-winsome unique blend of modern analysis and Relational Life Therapy (RLT), a form of couple’s therapy which espouses full-respect living, with a heavy emphasis on truth telling. RLT sets the frame and tells the story. Modern analysis rewrites the story. We will identify relational styles and how it detracts from psychological maturation and satisfying connection. Essential concepts, such as grandiosity and shame, will be demonstrated experientially and didactically.
After lunch, these concepts will come to life in an Experiential Mock Couples Group Therapy.
Whether you plan to run a couple’s therapy group or not, the combination of these approaches can provide new and creative ways of working with individual couples.