San Antonio
Society for Psychoanalytic Studies
A member of APA Division 39
Steps Together Toward Solidarity: An Experiential Pilot Workshop on Anti-racism Work Grounded in Literature and Somatic Practice
Friday, May 6th, 2022
Check in 8:30 a.m., workshop 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: San Antonio College, Victory Center
Sponsored by William R. Sinkin Eco Centro
Workshop Description
SASPS invites BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), Multiracial, and White bodied therapists to a full-day workshop that centers togetherness while also distinguishing the anti-racism work between BIPOC, Multiracial, and White bodied therapists in facing white supremacy in our Selves, psychotherapy, and beyond.
Throughout the day, we will alternate gathering in two ways—as a collective for somatic harmonizing and to learn about somatic anti-racism work, and in self-selected racial affinity groups led by somatic anti-racism facilitators for discussion and experiential participation in what anti-racism work and healing looks like for different races. (For more information on why affinity groups are a best practice to not place harm or burden on people of color, please visit Michael and Conger, 2009.)
Please click below for additional information:
Identified race/ethnicity is required during registration process for the purposes of the self-selected racial affinity groups (please visit link below for more information).
SASPS 2022 Workshop Flier Updated.pdf
Seating is limited to 22 non-student participants
Light breakfast and lunch will be provided