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  • May Reading Group - The Colonized Mind: Gender, Trauma, and Mentalization

May Reading Group - The Colonized Mind: Gender, Trauma, and Mentalization

  • May 11, 2016
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 451 Mary Louise, San Antonio, TX 78201

Our monthly reading group will continue meeting next Wednesday, May 11th, 7:30 PM. This month, we will again be meeting at the home of Dr. Ana Blancarte, 451 Mary Louise, in the heart of the historic Jefferson-Deco District neighborhood in San Antonio.  

This month’s reading will continue our focus on some issues related to  diversity in psychoanalytic practice, in this case, issues related to transgender identity.  We will read Sandra Silverman's paper:  

The Colonized Mind: Gender, Trauma, and Mentalization, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2015, 25:1, 51-66.  

Click here to access the file area and download the paper (must be logged on as a member)

This month's reading and discussion will satisfy 1.5 hours of the annual 3 hour licensure requirement for professional development activities related to diversity.

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