Our monthly reading group will continue meeting on Wednesday, February 10th, 7:30 PM at 451 Mary Louise, San Antonio, TX 78201. SASPS Members can Click here for Part 1 and Click here for Part 2 to download the .pdf files (login required)
This month’s readings will give us an opportunity to explore the movement of psychoanalytic thinking from the one-person psychology of classical psychoanalysis to an understanding of the psyche embedded in an interpersonal field. We will discuss two papers by Donnel Stern: Field theory in psychoanalysis, Part 1: Harry Stack Sullivan and Madeleine and Willy Baranger, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2013, 23, 487-501, and Field theory in psychoanalysis, Part 2: Bionian Field Theory and Contemporary Interpersonal/Relational Psychoanalyis, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2013, 23, 630-645. Most discussions of relational concepts in psychoanalysis trace the ideas back to the work of Jay Greenberg and Stephen Mitchell. Donnel Stern, however, gives these ideas a deeper and broader context, tracing the notion of the field in psychoanalysis back more than 70 years, reflecting a diverse and international array of influential thinkers, including Harry Stack Sullivan, Madeleine and Willy Baranger, and Wilfred Bion.