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  • February 21, 2017 2:53 PM | Anonymous

    Spring Lecture: 

    From Self to Selfies: Reflections on the Impact of Technological Change on the Psychology of the Self.

    Since the invention of the telegraph, the construction of the self has been determined in significant ways by technological advances that now occur more rapidly than ever before. As mental health professionals, we are affected both personally and professionally by the pervasiveness of technology in our lives and the lives of our clients. This workshop will be an opportunity for us to take time out from being deeply immersed in our technologically driven life and reflect on contemporary views of the psychology of the self. Psychoanalysis provides us, regardless of our clinical orientation, with the tools to make sense out of this evolving sense of self. Through lectures, videos, small and large group discussion, we will provide a structure out of which all of us will be able to reflect upon and discuss this timely topic.

    Presenters: Cynthia Diaz de Leon, PhD; Joshua Essery, PsyD, ABPP; Paul Ingmundson, PhD; Thomas Stone, PhD.

    Date: May 19, 2017

    Workshop Length: 6 hours (lunch, CEU's included)

    Spring/Summer Film Series: SASPS will present The Danish Girl with a panel to discuss psychoanalysis and treating Transgender clients. More info to come!

    Fall Lecture Series:  Frank Paredes Memorial Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Culture features Ricardo Ainslie, PhD, presenting and discussing his documentary The Mark of War. Tentative date is September 15, 2017.

    The Mark of War is an intimate portrait of seven men who served in the Vietnam War drawn by a psychoanalyst-filmmaker keen on entering their worlds. In this film, Dr. Ainslie explores their lives before going off to war, their experiences fighting in Vietnam, and their lives since their return. 

    To  preview the trailer for his documentary, click HERE

    Stay tuned for details for these events!  

  • October 21, 2015 9:07 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    The IARPP offers monthly online colloquia to members. They will be discussing Galit Atlas's paper that we discussed in our reading group this month (“Touch me, Know me: The enigma of erotic longing” (Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32 (1), 123-139. 2015)). Panel members include: Shlomit Yadlin Gadot (Israel), Jill Straker (Australia), Jonathan Slavin (USA), Adrienne Harris (USA), Ann Pellegrini (USA), Stephen Hartman (USA), Andrea Celenza (USA), Rosario Castaño (Spain). If you would like to join the Association and participate, here is a link to the Colloquium Website

  • August 03, 2015 7:46 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Save the Date for our Fall Workshop on Nov 6!!! See more information about the workshop here

  • July 29, 2015 7:34 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    SASPS Officers for 2015-16 were elected at the annual meeting on June 7. Beginning in August, the following new officers will begin their terms. 

    President Elect - Tom Stone, PhD

    Treasurer - Paul Ingmundson, PhD

    Members at Large:

    Ashley Powell, PhD, Bob Kalter, M.D., Jonathan Paul deVierville, MS, Kay Schanzer, PsyD, Clark Terrell, MD

    Other officers continuing or transitioning are at follows:

    President (Transitioning from President-Elect), Jacob Pickard, PhD

    Past-President (Transitioning from President), Josh Essery, PsyD

    Secretary (Continuing 2 year term), Russel (Trey) Thompson, PhD

    Division 39 Representative - Wayne Ehrisman, PhD

    Sara Gill was appointed as the Student Representative

    The members voted to make the following change to the bylaws:

    Change Section B.6 from "Two Members-at-Large shall be elected for one-year terms" to "At Least two Members at Large shall be elected for two year terms.

  • June 07, 2015 4:12 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    All members are invited to our annual meeting on June 10 at 7:30 pm. We will elect officers for the 2015-16 year. Location and directions are available in the members only area here: Members

  • April 11, 2015 7:32 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    The San Antonio Group Psychotherapy Society Annual Spring Party will be May 1 at the home of Robert and Cheryl Kalter 13807 Jess Gardens. From 6:30 to Closing time. All are welcome.

  • April 09, 2015 6:53 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    Here is a discussion forum where members can share thoughts on the Reading Group articles or other issues. Click here to visit the forum.

  • March 10, 2015 9:05 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)
    Society Members are encouraged to look at the members-only area where current drafts of bylaws and other materials of interest are available.
  • February 19, 2015 11:32 AM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)

    The San Antonio Society for Psychoanalytic Studies brings a panel of three distinguished psychotherapists to our community to share their views and experiences in what we learn in the termination process, when the therapeutic relationship reaches an end. This workshop provides 3.5 hours of CEUs for mental health professionals, meeting the requirements for training in professional ethics.  Professional development and continuing education hours approved by SASPS are recognized as meeting the requirements for psychologists, licensed psychological associates, licensed professional counselors, licensed marriage and family therapists and licensed social workers (Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners Provider #6590) in the State of Texas.

    Cost = $50 for SASPS members, $60 for non-members, $20 for students.

    Click here to download the Spring Workshop Brochure

    Click here to register for workshop

  • March 19, 2014 11:54 PM | Russel (Trey) Thompson (Administrator)
    SASPS is moving to a new membership management and event registration system. We have transferred all current and previous members to the new system. If your membership is current, you should be able to find your name in the directory and you should be able to login using your email address by resetting your password. If you have problems, please contact us.

    Registered members can access the articles for the reading group after logging in to the system.

    If you are a member but have not yet paid your dues for 2014-15, you can click on the Join Us menu option and pay your dues online with a secure credit card transaction. 

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